Every millionaire from Silicon Valley:

- Cheats on their taxes
- Has either a mistress, gay sex rent boys or cheats on their spouse
- Hires hookers on a regular basis
- Lies about who actually created their company
- Bribes politicians
- Has a fake charity to hide from taxes
- Screws their interns and nannies
- Is an alcoholic
- Is addicted to drugs and can't pass a full-pallete drug test
- Is a narcissist
- Is a sociopath
- Has lobbyists, lawyers and staff, who are actual criminals, that do their dirty work
- Hates anyone who is black or brown
- Abuses their staff
- Is a latent homosexual
- Treats women like tools
- Hates Laurene Powell Jobs because she intimidates them
- Wears khaki's because they want to appear "humble"
- Has had weird sex at the Rosewood Hotel or the Palo Alto Four Seasons 
- Still buys more stuff than they can afford so that they leverage themselves out
- Is entirely focused on superficial appearances
- Uses fake and exaggerated "mugging" facial expressions and reactions when interacting in public
- Won't do business with anyone outside of the Yale/Stanford frat boy circuit
- Was trained by asshole parents to be an asshole
- Is brainwashed by the media
- Only gets married so their "optics" will superficially fit it to their frat boy social bubble
- Feels compelled to join exclusionary "mens clubs"
- Gets an expensive car to make up for their feelings of sexual inadequacy